Τετάρτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Αναμνήσεις του Ισμαήλ Κεμάλ - Pjesë nga: Kujtimet e Ismail Qemalit - THE MEMOIRS OF ISMAIL KEMAL BEY

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But the truth is, our ancestor Sinan Pasha was a pure Albanian ; and we are proud to feel that during the Ottoman domination, in spite of much unjust treatment from the Turkish rulers, we served the Empire faithfully, pg4
My father, in consequence, received orders to go back and enrol men capable of bearing arms against the Russians, and we returned to Valona. More than 1,500 men were enrolled there, but the known intention of the Greeks to invade Thessaly and the Epirus compelled Turkey to keep the Albanian recruits on the spot in view of such an eventuality.
A little while later the Greek Andartes, under the command of Greek generals and officers, invaded Thessaly and the Epirus. My father left at once with his troops from Valona to join the Turkish commander and the High Commissioner, who was the celebrated Fuad Effendi, ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs (later Fuad Pasha, Grand Vizier). The Greeks, under the command of General Grivas, had fortified themselves at Metzovo. Attacked by my father's troops, they were beaten and driven out of the place, which had seemed to be impregnable, and the whole country was cleared and order restored. For this service, Fuad Pasha awarded my father a sword of honour and honorary civil rank. Later, as commander of the Albanian militia, he was given the task of keeping order in the regions which had been the scene of the trouble. Pg15
About this time, my maternal grandfather having died, my mother went to Janina to be present at the family mourning. I accompanied her, and a little later entered upon my studies there at the Zossimea Gymnasium.  As I was the first, and, at the time, the only Albanian Mussulman pupil, I was the object of special consideration not only at the hands of my school-fellows, but also from the professors. I have the very kindest memories of my teachers, and owe a deep debt of gratitude to the memory of Omer Effendi and of Professor Tsima, who both came each day to the house between their classes to give me extra lessons, the one in Arabic and the other in French.
A thing that amused me in those days was the persistence with which the good Greek priest, who came on the first of every month, in accordance with the custom, to bless the school and sprinkle it with holy water, always(a little maliciously) presented the cross to me, although he knew that I invariably withdrew. Pg17
So I left the Gymnasium, after having gone through my "humanities"—ancient Greek and Latin—and possessing a knowledge of physical sciences and mathematics. I had a special aptitude for mathematics, and had worked out several themes which my professor greatly appreciated.
Another fact that had its effect upon my mind, as it greatly struck me at the time, was when I found on making the usual study of ancient mythology, that the stories which my old Albanian nurse, a Mussulman, had related to me were all literally   the Greek fables, such as the scene between Ulysses and Achilles at the court of the King of Scyros, the judgment of Paris on Mount Scyros, and so on. I was exceptionally fortunate in having as professors of the literature and history of ancient Greece men who were among the most distinguished of the time, who took the trouble not merely to teach me the classical authors as lessons, but made me live in this atmosphere of liberty of the ancient Greek world. Pg 18-19

Apart from the common cause of the Oriental peoples, I was naturally particularly anxious to defend the interests of my own country's people, which in certain respects
seemed to me to be identical with those of the Greek people. A wave of mutual sympathy was reflected in the Greek press as well as in my organ, in which I admitted the expression of opinions favourable to common action in defence of the interests of the two peoples against Slavism, the tendencies of which at the time seemed to be dangerous to both. This community of sentiment was responsible for the proposal of a singular task for me on behalf of the press of Athens. Queen Olga, who was extremely devout, had the Gospels translated and printed in the vulgar tongue.
Public feeling in Athens was greatly upset by this, and the result was a popular rising against the Government, and especially against M. Theotokis, who was then President of (pg 305) the Council of Ministers. A portion of the Greek press asked for my judgment in the matter, but I considered that for several reasons, and especially that of my own religion, it was a question altogether outside my competence.
Nevertheless I did my best to explain this popular outburst, which was caused by the devotion of the Greek public to the language of their ancestors, of the Apostles and the Fathers of the Greek Church. Pg 306
My relations with the members of the Greek Government, and in general with all the Greeks, were so cordial, that from this point of view I had great pleasure from my stay in Athens. Pg 312

Since that time, although the Albanians have never given up their passionate desire for independence, they have been the only Balkan people really attached to the Ottoman Empire, always ready to support it, always happy to help strengthen it and to profit by its strength. Pg361
Abd-ul-Hamid, whose chief preoccupation was always his own personal safety, had appreciated the faithful character of the Albanians from his youth up, and did his utmost, in his usual way, to obtain personal benefit from the fact. The person of the Sultan, his palace, and even his harem, were entrusted to Albanians. In the Ministries and in the civil and military services, Albanians occupied the highest and most distinguished positions.pg364

Ισμαήλ Κεμάλ Μπέι
Η αλήθεια είναι πως, ο πρόγονος μας Σινάν Πασάς ήταν ένας γνήσιος Αλβανός, και εμείς είμαστε περήφανοι να νοιώσουμε πως κατά την Οθωμανική Κυριαρχία, ανεξάρτητα από την άδικη μεταχείριση των Τούρκων κατακτητών, εμείς υπηρετήσαμε την Αυτοκρατορία με αφοσίωση σελ 4  
Ο πατέρας μου, ως επακόλουθο έλαβε διαταγή να επιστρέψει πίσω, και να συγκεντρώσει στρατιώτες για να πολεμήσουν εναντίον των Ρώσων, και εμείς επιστρέψαμε στην Αυλώνα. Πάνω από 1500 άντρες επιστρατεύτηκαν εκεί, αλλά, ο γνωστός σκοπός των ελλήνων να εισβάλουν στην Θεσσαλία και την Ήπειρο ανάγκασε την Τουρκία να κρατήσει τους αλβανούς στρατιώτες σε αναμονή για μία τέτοια εξέλιξη.
Λίγο αργότερα οι έλληνες αντάρτες, υπό την διοίκηση των στρατηγών και αξιωματικών τους, εισέβαλαν στην Θεσσαλία και την Ήπειρο. Ο πατέρας μου άφησε άμεσα την Αυλώνα μαζί με τους στρατιώτες του για να ενωθεί με την Τουρκική Διοίκηση και των Ανώτατο Διοικητή, ο οποίος ήταν ο γνωστός Φουάντ Εφεντή, πρώην Υπουργός Εξωτερικών (αργότερα Φουάντ Πασάς, Μεγάλος Βεζίρης). Οι Έλληνες υπό την διοίκηση του Στρατηγού Γρίβα, είχαν ταμπουρωθεί στο Μέτσοβο. Βρισκόμενοι κάτω από την επίθεση του πατέρα μου, νικήθηκαν και εκδιώχθηκαν από το τόπο που έμοιαζε απόρθητο  και όλη η περιοχή καθαρίστηκε και επανήλθε η τάξη.
Ως ανταμοιβή για τις υπηρεσίες του, ο Φουάντ Πασάς, χάρισε στο πατέρα μου ένα σπαθί και του απέδωσε διάφορες τιμές.  Αργότερα, ως διοικητής της αλβανικής πολιτοφυλακής, δόθηκε σ’ αυτόν ως καθήκον η διαφύλαξη των περιοχών που υπήρχαν αναταραχές.
σελ 15 .

Κατά την περίοδο αυτή, ο παππούς, από την μεριά της μητέρας μου, πέθανε, και η μητέρα μου πήγε στα Ιωάννινα για να παρευρεθεί στην επικήδεια ακολουθία. Εγώ την συνόδευσα και λίγο αργότερα άρχισα τις σπουδές μου στη Ζωσιμαία Σχολή . Αφού ήμουν, εκείνο τον καιρό, ο μόνος μαθητής αλβανός και μουσουλμάνος, ήμουνα αντικείμενο ειδικής μεταχείρισης, όσο από τους συμμαθητές μου, τόσο και από τους δασκάλους μου.
Έχω τις πιο ευχάριστες αναμνήσεις από τους δασκάλους μου, και οφείλω σ’ αυτούς βαθιά ευγνωμοσύνη, ειδικά στον Ομέρ Εφεντή και Δάσκαλο Τσίμα, οι οποίοι έρχονταν κάθε μέρα ενδιάμεσα από το μάθημα τους (στα κενά)  για να μου διδάξουν επιπλέον μαθήματα, ο ένας στα Αραβικά και ο άλλος στα Γαλλικά.
Ένα πράγμα μ’ έχει ευχαριστήσει ιδιαίτερα, εκείνες τις μέρες, ήταν η παρουσία ενός καλού έλληνα ιερέα, ο οποίος ερχόταν κάθε αρχή του μήνα, σύμφωνα με την παράδοση, για να ευλογήσει με αγιασμένο νερό το σχολείο, και πάντοτε (λίγο με πονηριά) μου έβαζε το σταυρό μπροστά μου αν και ήξερε πως εγώ θα αποτραβιόμουν. σελ17
Έτσι εγώ άφησα το Γυμνάσιο, αφού είχα σπουδάσει τις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες  - τα αρχαία ελληνικά και τα λατινικά – και αφού είχα κατακτήσει γνώσεις στις θετικές επιστήμες και στα μαθηματικά. Είχα μια ιδιαίτερη κλίση στα μαθηματικά, και είχα κάνει αρκετές εργασίες τις οποίες τις είχαν εκτιμήσει ιδιαίτερα οι καθηγητές μου.
Ένα άλλο γεγονός που σημάδεψε την σκέψη μου, εκείνο τον καιρό γιατί είχε δυνατό αντίκτυπο σε μένα, η ανακάλυψη, καθώς μελετούσα την αρχαία μυθολογία, πως οι ιστορίες που μου είχε αφηγηθεί η ηλικιωμένη νταντά μου η αλβανίδα και μουσουλμάνα, ήταν λέξη προς λέξη  οι ιστορίες τις ελληνικής μυθολογίας, όπως οι σκηνές μεταξύ του Οδυσσέα και του Αχιλλέα στην αυλή  του Βασιλιά  της Σκύρου, την απόφαση του Πάρη στο Βουνό της Σκύρου, και ούτω καθεξής. Ήμουν εξαιρετικά τυχερός που είχα ως δάσκαλο έναν άντρα που ήταν από τους πιο γνωστούς και σπουδαίους της εποχής, ο οποίος δεν έκανε απλά το κόπο να μου μάθει τα μαθήματα και τους αρχαίους κλασσικούς αλλά μ’ έκανε να ζήσω μέσα στην ατμόσφαιρα της ελευθερίας του Αρχαίου Ελληνικού Κόσμου. σελ 18-19

Πέρα από την κοινή υπόθεση του ανατολικού πληθυσμού, εγώ ήμουν ιδιαίτερα αγχωτικός  για να υπερασπιστώ τα συμφέροντα του λαού της χώρας μου, συμφέροντα που σε μερικά σημεία ήταν ταυτόσημα με τα συμφέροντα του ελληνικού λαού. Ένα κύμα μιας αμοιβαίας συμπάθειας έλαμψε τόσο στο ελληνικό τύπο όσο και στα όργανα τα δικά μου, στα οποία εγώ δεχόμουνα και την έκφραση των απόψεων που στήριζαν τις κοινές μας δράσεις με στόχο την υπεράσπιση του κοινού συμφέροντος των δύο λαών ενάντια στο σλαβισμό, μια τάση που για εκείνη την περίοδο ήταν επικίνδυνη και για τους δύο λαούς. Αυτή η κοινή εμπιστοσύνη, ήταν υπεύθυνη και για την μοναδική πρόταση που έγινε σε μένα από τον αθηναϊκό τύπο. Η Βασίλισσα Όλγα, μια ιδιαίτερα πιστή γυναίκα, αφοσιωμένη,  μετέφρασε και τύπωσε το Ευαγγέλιο σε «χυδαία» γλώσσα
Η κοινή γνώμη στην Αθήνα ήταν αρκετά αναστατωμένη από το γεγονός, ως αποτέλεσμα ήλθε και μια λαϊκή αντίδραση εναντίων της κυβέρνησης και ιδιαίτερα προς το Πρωθυπουργό Μ. Θεοτόκη. Ένα μέρος του ελληνικού τύπου ζήτησε την άποψη μου περί του θέματος, αλλά εγώ, για διάφορους λόγους, και ιδιαίτερα λόγο της θρησκευτικής μου πίστης, θεώρησα το ερώτημα εντελώς εκτός των αρμοδιοτήτων μου. Αλλά έκανα τα πάντα για να εξηγήσω αυτή την λαϊκή έκρηξη που προκλήθηκε εξαιτίας της αφοσίωσης του ελληνικού λαού στην γλώσσα των προγόνων του, στην γλώσσα των  Αγίων Αποστόλων και της Ελληνορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας. σελ 306.
Οι σχέσεις μου με τα μέλη της Ελληνικής Κυβέρνησης, και γενικά με τον Ελληνικό λαό, ήταν τόσο εγκάρδιες που από αυτή την άποψη πήρα μια έντονη ευχάριστη αίσθηση από την διαμονή μου στην Αθήνα. σελ 312
Από τότε, αν και οι αλβανοί δεν είχαν ποτέ παραιτηθεί, από το πόθο τους για ανεξαρτησία, αυτοί ήταν ο μοναδικός λαός στα Βαλκάνια που πραγματικά είχε συνδεθεί με την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία, πάντοτε έτοιμοι να την στηρίξουν, πάντοτε χαρούμενοι να την ενδυναμώσουν και να επωφεληθούν από την ενδυνάμωση αυτή. σελ 361

Ο Αμπντ-ουλ-Χαμίντ, κυρία μέριμνα του οποίου είναι η προσωπική του ασφάλεια, είχε εκτιμήσει αυτή την αφοσίωση των αλβανών από την νεότητα του, και έκανε αυτό που έπρεπε, με το δικό του συνηθισμένο τρόπο, για να επωφεληθεί προσωπικά από το γεγονός αυτό. Το προσωπικό του Σουλτάνου, το παλάτι του, ακόμη και το χαρέμι του ήταν στα χέρια των αλβανών. Στα υπουργεία και σε κοινωνικές και στρατιωτικές υπηρεσίες , οι αλβανοί κατείχαν τα ανώτερα και σπουδαιότερα αξιώματα…
Σελ 364……………….
Ismai Qemal Bey
Por e vërteta është se, pararendësi ynë Sinan Pasha ishte një Shqiptar puro, dhe ne jemi krenarë të ndjejmë se gjatë dominimit Osman , pavarësisht nga trajtimi i padrjetë nga sundimtarët Turq, ne i shërbyem Perandorisë me besnikëri . fq4.

Babai im, si rrjedhim, mori urdhër që të kthehej prapa dhe të mblidhte trupa të afta për të luftuar kundër Rusëve, dhe ne u kthyhem në Vlorë. Më tepër se 1500 burra u rekrutuan atje, por, qëllimi i njohur i grekëve që të pushtonin Thessalinë dhe Epirin e detyroi Turqinë që të mbante rekrutët Shqiptarë në pritje të një zhvillimi të tillë.

Pak më vonë andartët grekë, nën komandën e gjeneralëve dhe oficerëve grekë, mësynë në Thessali dhe Epir. Babai im la menjëherë Vlorën bashkë me trupat e tij që t’i bashkohej komandës Turke dhe Komisionerit Suprem, i cili ishte  Fuad Effendiu i njohur, ish Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme (më vonë Fuad Pasha, Veziri i Madh). Grekët nën komandën e Gjeneral Grivas, kishin fortifikuar veten e tyre në Metsovo. Të sulmuar nga babai im, ata u mundën dhe u nxorrën jashtë vendit  i cili ngjasonte i pathyeshëm dhe e gjithë zona u pastrua dhe u rivendos rendi.
Për këtë shërbim, Fuad Pashai,  i fali si shpërblim babait tim një shpatë nderi dhe e nderoi me grada nderi civile.
Më vonë, si komandant i milicisë Shqiptare, atij i është dhënë si detyrë ruajtja e rendit në zonat ku pati skena destabiliteti.
Fq 15
Në këtë kohë, gjyshi im nga mamaja viq, ime më shkoi në Janinë që të ishte prezente në ceremoninë mortore.  Unë e shoqërova atë, dhe pak më vonë fillova studimet e mia në Gjimnazin Zossimea. Meqënëse isha, i pari, në atë kohë, nxënës shqiptar dhe Myslyman, isha objekt i konsideratave të veçanta jo vetëm në duart e bashkënxënësve të mi, por dhe në ato të profesorëve.
Kam kujtimet më të këndëshme nga mësuesit e mi, dhe ju detyrohem një mirënjohje të thellë, kujtimit të Omer Effendi dhe Profesor Tsima, të cilët që të dy vinin çdo ditë në shtëpi ndërmjet orëve të mësimit (orëve bosh) që të më jepnin mësime ekstra, njëri në Arabisht dhe tjetri në Frëngjisht.
Një gjë që më ka kënaqur mua në ato ditë ishte prezenca e një prifti të mirë Grek, i cili vinte ditën e parë të çdo muaji, sipas dhe traditës, që të bekonte shkollën me ujë të bekuar, gjithmonë (pak me dinakëri) me vinte përpara kryqin, mgjth se e dinte që unë do të tërhiqesha.
Fq 17.

Kështu unë e lashë gjimnazin, pasi kisha kaluar  shkencat humane- greqishten e lashtë dhe latinishten- dhe pasi kisha poseduar njohuri të shkencave ekzakte dhe të matematikës. Kisha një aftësi të veçantë në matematikë, dhe kisha punuar mjaft tema të cilat ishin vlerësuar nga profesorët e mi.

Një tjetër fakt që kishte influencë në mendjen time, pasi pati një impakt të fortë tek unë në atë kohë, ishte kur unë zbulova gjatë studimeve të zakonshme të mia në mitologjinë e lashtë, se historitë që dadoja ime e vjetër në moshë, shqiptare, një myslymane, më kishte treguar, ishin fjalë për fjalë fabulat Greke, si skenat ndërmjet Odiseas dhe Akilit në oborrin e Mbretit të Skiros, vendimi i Parit në Malin Skiros, e kështu me rradhë.  Isha jashtëzakonisht me fat që pata si profesorë në literaturë dhe në historinë e Greqisë së lashtë një burrë i cili ishte ndër më të shquarit e asaj kohe, i cili mori mundimin jo thjesht të më mësonte mësimet dhe autorët klasikë, por më bëri që të jetoja në atmosferën e lirisë së botës së Lashtë Helene. Fq 18-19

Përtej kauzës së përbashkët të popullatës Orientale, unë isha në natyrisht në veçanti ankthioz që të mbroja interesat e popullit të vendit tim, të cilat në disa aspekte ishin identike me ato të popullit Helen. Një dallgë e një simpatie të ndërsjellë reflektoi në shtypin helen si dhe në organet e mia, në të cilat unë pranoja shprehjen e opinioneve që favorizonin veprimet tona të përbashkëta në mbrojtjen e interesit të të dy popujve kundër Sllavizmit, një tendencë që dukej, në atë kohë, që ishte e rrezikshme për të dy. Ky besim  i përbashkët, ishte përgjegjës për propozimin e një çështje të vetme për mua në emër të shtypit të Athinës. Mbretëresha Olga, e cila ishte jashtëzakonisht besimtare e devotshme, përktheu dhe botoi Ungjillin në gjuhë vulgare.
Opinioni publik në Athinë ishte mjaft i indinuar nga kjo, si rezultat pati një reagim popullor ndaj Qeverisë, dhe në veçanti ndaj M Theotokis, i cili ishte Kryetar (fq 305) i Këshillit të Ministrave (Kryeministër). Një pjesë e shtypit helen kërkoi opinionin tim mbi çështjen, por unë, për arsye të ndryshme, e sidomos për shkak të besimit tim fetar, e konsiderova si një pyetje  totalisht jashtë kompetencave të mia. Megjithatë bëra çmos që të shpjegoja këtë shpërthim popullor, i cili u shkaktua nga devotshmëria e popullit helen ndaj gjuhës së pararendësve të tyre, gjuhës së Αpostujve të Etërve dhe të Kishës Helene. Fq 306.

Mardhëniet e mia me anëtarët e Qeverisë Helene, dhe në përgjithësi me popullin Helen, ishin kaq të përzemërta sa nga kjo pikëpamje mora një kënaqësi të madhe nga qëndrimi im në Athinë. Fq 312

Që prej asaj kohe, megjithëse shqiptarët nuk ishin asnjëherë tërhequr, nga dëshira e tyre pasionante për pavarësi, ata ishin i vetmi popull  Ballkanik i cili ishte me të vërtetë i lidhur me Perandorinë Osmane, gjithmonë gati për ta mbështetur, gjithmonë të gëzuar të ndihmonin në forcimiin e saj dhe të përfitonin nga kjo forcë. Fq 361.
Abd-ul-Hamid, preokupimi kryesor i të cilit ishte siguria e tij personale, kishte vlerësuar besnikërinë e shqiptarëve që në rininë e tij, dhe bëri atë që duhej, me mënyrën e tij të zakonshme, të përfitonte personalisht nga ky fakt.  Personeli i Sulltanit, pallati i tij, dhe haremi akoma, ju ishin besuar shqiptarëve. Në Ministri dhe në shërbimet civile e militare, Shqiptarët zinin pozitat më të larta dhe  të shquara. Fq 364....................
Ετοίμασε και Μετέφρασε Πελασγός Κορυτσάς - Përgatiti dhe përktheu Pelasgos Koritsas

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